University of California, Irvine, Department of Sociology
Ph.D. (Sociology)
・ Fuwa, Makiko “Macro-level Gender Inequality and the Division of Household Labor in 22 countries”, American Sociological Review 69: pp.751-767, 2004.
・ Fuwa, Makiko Breaking the Vicious Circle: The Impact of Social Policy on Household and Labor Market Gender Relations, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Irvine, 8 March 2007, p.135.
・ Fuwa, Makiko & Philip N. Cohen “Housework and Social Policy.” Social Science Research 36(2): pp.512-530, 2007.
・ 不破麻紀子 「同棲と結婚意向」『家族形成に関する実証研究II』SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 39, 東京大学社会科学研究所: 1-14頁, 2008年.
・ 筒井淳也・不破麻紀子「マルチレベル・モデルの考え方と実践」『理論と方法』23(2), 139-149頁, 2008年.
・ 不破麻紀子・筒井淳也「家事分担に対する不公平感の国際比較分析」『家族社会学研究』22巻1号:52-63, 2010年.
・Fuwa, Makiko “Effect of Child-related Intermittent Employment on the Division of Housework in Japan, Sweden and the United States” Social Science Japan Newsletter 44, pp.14-18, 2011.
・不破麻紀子「就業環境の地域差と高学歴女性の就業」『社会科学研究』 64巻1号:114-133,2012.
・ Fuwa, Makiko, 2013, “Work-Family Conflict and Attitudes toward Marriage” Journalof Family Issues, (OnlineFirst DOI: 10.1177/0192513X12474631, 7 February,2013).
・ Nemoto, Kumiko, Makiko Fuwa and Kuniko Ishiguro, 2013, “Never-Married Employed Men’s Gender Beliefs and Ambivalence Toward Matrimony in Japan,”Journal of Family Issues, 34(12), 1673–1695.
・不破麻紀子,2014,「世帯にみる家事分担」『社会科学研究』65(1) .(近刊)
・Fuwa, Makiko, 2015,「Division of Housework among Dual-earner Couples in East Asian Countries: A Comparison of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese Couples」,『人文学報』497(社会学50): 1-20.
・不破麻紀子,2015,「就業環境と既婚男性の家事分担:JLPS2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 データの分析から」『東京大学社会科学研究所パネル調査プロジェクトディスカッションペーパーシリーズ』No86:1-20.
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “Macro-level Gender Inequality and the Division of Household Labor” 2003年8月American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
・ Fuwa, Makiko & Philip N. Cohen, “Gender Segregation Regimes and the Division of Household Labor” 2004年8月American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
・ MacCartney, Danielle & Makiko Fuwa “Intersecting Inequality: Introducing Sexual Orientation in the Effects of Race Class, and Gender on Wages” 2006年3月Population Association of America, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “National Contexts and Women’s Attitudes toward Marriage” 2006年8月American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada
・ MacCartney, Danielle & Makiko Fuwa, “Wage and Occupation Variation by Race, Class, Gender, and Sexual Orientation” 2006年8月American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “Social Policy and Mothers’ Labor Force Participation” 2007年8月 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “Public Childcare and Women’s Employment in Japan” 2009年8月American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “Cohabitation and the Division of Housework in Japan” 2010年8月American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “Cohabitation and Marital Relationship in Japan” 2011年8月American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “Cohabiting Couple’s Division of Household Labor in Japan” 2012年8月Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Denver, CO
・ Fuwa, Makiko, “Housework and Marital Conflict” 2012年6月Conference of Inequality of Well-being in Asia and Beyond, National Taipei University, Taiwan
・ Fuwa, Makiko, 2013, “Work environment and the division of housework in Japan,”
108th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
・ 不破麻紀子,2013,「平等な家事分担に対する妻のニーズ:その認知と表出」『ガバナンスを問い直す』東京大学社会科学研究所全所的プロジェクトプロジェクトセミナー.
・ Fuwa, Makiko, 2014, “Regional variances in gender inequality and housework inJapan,” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 16, 2014 San Francisco, CA.
・ Fuwa, Makiko, 2014, “Gender Inequality: Work and Family Conflict in Contemporary Japan,” XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology: Japanese Thematic Session 13 ʻLow Fertility, Rapidly Aging Society, and Changing Gender Relationsʼ July 15, 2014, Yokohama, Japan.(招待講演)
・ 不破麻紀子,2014,「男女共同参画:ワークライフバランスから考える」横浜税関職員研修男女共同参画等セミナー 2014 年9 月9 日
・ 不破麻紀子,2014,「男女平等参画に関する日本と諸外国の比較」第4 回男女平等参画施策検討会(東京都生活文化局)2014 年1 月31 日
・ 不破麻紀子「同棲経験者の結婚意欲」佐藤博樹・永井暁子・三輪哲編『結婚の壁―非婚・晩婚の構造』勁草書房: 77-96頁, 2010年, 第4章
・ イエスタ・エスピン=アンデルセン著, 不破麻紀子訳「女性の役割の革命と家族」2011年11月 大沢真理監訳『平等と効率の福祉革命―新しい女性の役割―』(年)21-56頁 岩波書店
・ Apitzsch, Birgit著, 不破麻紀子・石黒久仁子訳「ドイツ労働市場の柔軟化:自律的な職業人生への転換か?」(“Flexibization in the German labor market: Towards a self-directed working life?”) 2013年 田中洋美、岩田クリスティーナ、マーレン・ゴツィック編『ライフコース選択の臨界点』ドイツ・日本研究所
・ General Social Survey Graduate Student Paper Award (NORC at the University of Chicago),2003年
・ American Sociological Association Section on the Sociology of the Family Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award (American Sociological Association),2003年
・ The Annual Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research Competition Twenty Best Articles of 2008 (Center for Families, Purdue University),2009年